Class BasicPaymentProcessor

All Implemented Interfaces:
BusinessObject, BusinessProcessor, PaymentProcessor

public class BasicPaymentProcessor extends BasePaymentProcessor implements PaymentProcessor
Processes a payment in the store for a given user's cart. This implementation stores incoming credit card information in the database for later processing. By default, the store's "paymentEncryptionType" setting is set to encrypt payment information using two-way encryption, so credit card numbers will be encrypted before storage in the database.

BasicPaymentProcessor is the default implementation of the PaymentProcessor interface for the application.

David Tobey
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • log

      static org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
  • Constructor Details

    • BasicPaymentProcessor

      public BasicPaymentProcessor()
  • Method Details

    • process

      public Map process(Map parameters) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: BasePaymentProcessor
      Subclasses must override this method to execute processing. Called by BasePaymentProcessor.processPayment(Map).
      Specified by:
      process in class BasePaymentProcessor
      parameters - A Map containing the values of the user's submitted payment information.
      A Map containing a least one key named "resultCode", which contains a String parsable into an int, representing the results of the processing. 0 for the resultCode indicates success. Optionally, the Map may include additional keys, such as "resultMessage", a string describing the results of the processing.