Package com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.order

Handles the business logic related to orders for the system.


Interface Summary
CartProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with a user's cart.
Country Interface representing a country within the system.
CountryProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with countries.
Order Interface representing an order within the system.
OrderDelivery Interface representing an order delivery within the system.
OrderDeliveryProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with order deliveries.
OrderItem Interface representing an order item within the system.
OrderItemAttribute Interface representing a order item attribute within the system.
OrderItemAttributeProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with order item attributes.
OrderItemProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with order items.
OrderProcessor Interface for business logic methods affecting orders and other related objects.
State Interface representing a state within the system.
StateProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with states.
StatesAndCountries Interface containing collections of the states and countries active in the store.

Class Summary
BasicCartProcessor Processes business logic having to do with a user's cart.
BasicCountryProcessor Processes business logic having to do with countries.
BasicOrderDeliveryProcessor Processes business logic having to do with order deliveries.
BasicOrderItemAttributeProcessor Processes business logic having to do with order item attributes.
BasicOrderItemProcessor Processes business logic having to do with order items.
BasicOrderProcessor Processes business logic affecting orders and other related objects.
BasicStateProcessor Processes business logic having to do with states.
CountryBean Object representing a country within the system.
OrderBean Object representing an order within the system.
OrderDeliveryBean Object representing an order delivery within the system.
OrderItemAttributeBean Object representing a order item attribute within the system.
OrderItemBean Object representing an order item within the system.
StateBean Object representing a state within the system.
StatesAndCountriesBean Object holding collections of the states and countries active in the store.

Package com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.order Description

Handles the business logic related to orders for the system.

The classes named "Bean" in this package are plain java objects that generally map to database objects. In some cases they act as Transfer Objects between the Struts layer and the business object layer, or the business object layer and the data access layer.

Classes with the suffix "Processor" contain the vast majority of the business logic in the application. These are invoked directly by the Struts layer. In turn, they may populate Bean objects from incoming parameters; invoke data access objects to retrieve data from or write data to the database; and return data to the Struts layer for display to the user.

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