Package com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.product

Handles the business logic related to products, categories, attributes, and options for the system.


Interface Summary
Attribute Interface representing a attribute within the system.
AttributeProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with attributes.
Category Interface representing a category within the system.
CategoryProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with categories.
CategorySetting Interface representing a category setting within the system.
CategorySettingProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with category settings.
Option Interface representing a option within the system.
OptionProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with options.
Product Interface representing a product within the system.
ProductList Interface representing a list of products in the the system.
ProductProcessor Interface for business logic methods affecting products and other related objects.
ProductSetting Interface representing a product setting within the system.
ProductSettingProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with product settings.
SKU Interface representing a sku within the system.
SKUProcessor Interface for business logic methods having to do with skus.

Class Summary
AttributeBean Object representing a attribute within the system.
BasicAttributeProcessor Processes business logic having to do with attributes.
BasicCategoryProcessor Processes business logic having to do with categories.
BasicCategorySettingProcessor Processes business logic having to do with category settings.
BasicOptionProcessor Processes business logic having to do with options.
BasicProductProcessor Processes business logic affecting products and other related objects.
BasicProductSettingProcessor Processes business logic having to do with product settings.
BasicSKUProcessor Processes business logic having to do with skus.
CategoryBean Object representing a category within the system.
CategorySettingBean Object representing a category setting within the system.
OptionBean Object representing a option within the system.
ProductBean Object representing a product within the system.
ProductListBean Object representing a list of products in the system.
ProductSettingBean Object representing a product setting within the system.
SKUBean Object representing a sku within the system.

Package com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.product Description

Handles the business logic related to products, categories, attributes, and options for the system.

The classes named "Bean" in this package are plain java objects that generally map to database objects. In some cases they act as Transfer Objects between the Struts layer and the business object layer, or the business object layer and the data access layer.

Classes with the suffix "Processor" contain the vast majority of the business logic in the application. These are invoked directly by the Struts layer. In turn, they may populate Bean objects from incoming parameters; invoke data access objects to retrieve data from or write data to the database; and return data to the Struts layer for display to the user.

Copyright © SoftSlate, Inc. 2003–2005