Package com.softslate.commerce.customer.product

Provides Struts form classes and action classes for use with requests to the system for product information.


Class Summary
AdvancedSearchAction Struts action class that corresponds to the search results page.
AdvancedSearchForm Struts form class that correspondes to the search results page.
CategoryAction Struts action class that corresponds to the category page.
CategoryForm Struts form class that correspondes to the category page.
ManufacturerAction Struts action class that corresponds to the manufacturer page.
ManufacturerForm Struts form class that correspondes to the manufacturer page.
ProductAction Struts action class that corresponds to the product page.
ProductForm Struts form class that correspondes to the product page.
ProductInitializer Initializes singleton objects related to products, in the application scope.
ProductListAction Struts action class that corresponds to the product list page.
ProductListForm Struts form class that correspondes to the product list page.
SearchAction Struts action class that corresponds to the search results page.
SearchForm Struts form class that correspondes to the search results page.

Package com.softslate.commerce.customer.product Description

Provides Struts form classes and action classes for use with requests to the system for product information.

ProductForm and ProductAction respond to requests for the product page, or "/".

CategoryForm and CategoryAction respond to requests for the category page, or "/".

ProductListForm and ProductListAction respond to requests for the product list page, or "/".

SearchForm and SearchAction respond to requests for the search results page, or "/".

ProductInitializer initializes singleton objects in the servlet's application scope related to the products in the store.

Copyright ? SoftSlate, LLC 2003?2005