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3.4.2 Released

June 25, 2018—More API Endpoints; Customer Password Security Features; and More!

SoftSlate Commerce 3.4.2 Released

SoftSlate is pleased to announce the release of the latest version of SoftSlate Commerce, version 3.4.2. The new features in this release include additional API endpoints, new customer password security features, as well as a number of other improvements and fixes. For a complete list of changes between 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 visit the Change Log.

New API Endpoints

We have added to our (beta) API by providing API endpoints for the following CRUD operations:

  • /sku
  • /sku/list
  • /customer
  • /customer/list
  • /order
  • /order/list
  • /orderOverview

The documentation for all API calls is available for the demo store here: To enable and set up the new API, Administrators should visit the API documentation page for full details: integration revamp - the integration has been updated to use the lastest versions of's API. - the integration configuration has been simplified: in the administrator simply select the integration method: accept.js, accept hosted, or server to server. - customer profiles are supported by all three integration methods: customers may choose to store their payment information and select a prior credit card or ACH details for future orders. Customers may also review, modify, and delete payment profiles from their account area, if allowed by the administrator.

Downloading the Upgrade:

To download the Enterprise Edition upgrade, log in to your SoftSlate Store account at this URL: If you do not have an account, you may place an order for the Enterprise Edition starting here:

Upgrading From 3.4.1 to 3.4.2:

The upgrade process from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 is the same as for any other minor upgrade, with the exception of some potential merge conflicts if you've made customizations. Please review the Release Notes here for a full description of the changes you should be aware of: For complete instructions on how to perform an upgrade, please refer to the upgrade guide here: