All Classes and Interfaces

Sends emails to customers who have incomplete orders.
Struts action class that corresponds to the store's "Your Account" link.
Struts action class used for requests to view the account addresses form.
Struts action class used for requests to view the file download form.
Struts action class used for requests to view a customer's order history.
Struts action class used for requests to view the change password form.
Struts action class used for requests to view a customer'slist of saved carts.
Struts action class used for requests to view a customer's wish lists.
Interface for utility methods used by Struts Action classes.
ActionUtilsImpl is the default implementation of the ActionUtils interface for the application.
Struts form class representing a user's billing and delivery addresses.
Interface representing an administrator within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for administrators.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing an administrator within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscAdministrator table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscAdministrator table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Wraps each incoming Administrator request with an instance of AdministratorRequestWrapper, which implements isUserInRole() and getRemoteUser() so role-based permissions can be employed.
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries for the administrator application.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries for the administrator application.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with administrators.
Subclass of BaseRequestProcessor that negotiates each application request for the customer interface.
Interface representing an administrator role within the system.
Object representing an administrator role within the system.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with payments.
Struts action class that corresponds to the search results page.
Struts form class that correspondes to the search results page.
Maps /api requests to the appropriate .do URI.
Extension of the Tiles InsertTag, to allow for custom layouts.
Exception class for exceptions thrown by the application.
Extension of the Struts ELLinkTag, to allow for search-engine friendly URLs for product, category and other pages.
Extension of the Struts PropertyMessageResources class which wraps a second PropertyMessageResources object holding custom application messages.
Extension of the Struts MessageResourcesFactory class which creates instances of AppMessageResources instead of the Struts PropertyMessageResources class.
Record the sscRequestLog.requestLogID with each Envers revision.
Provides miscellaneous static methods used by various classes in the Struts layer.
Override the default Envers ValidityAuditStrategy class that is responsible for updating the REVEND and REVEND_TSTMP fields in the previous audit log entry.
Interface representing an attribute within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for attributes.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a attribute within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscAttribute table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscAttribute table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to basic attributes.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to attributes.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with attributes.
Processes a payment in the store for a given user's cart.
Processes a payment in the store for a given user's cart.
Address form for adding/editing CIM profile addresses through API.
Form to delete CIM profile
This is a dummy form for struts used on AuthorizeDPMReturnAction
Business object for AuthorizeNet Direct Post Method
Struts action class used for the relay response from authorize.
Action class to handle AuthorizeNet Return.
Struts form class for submissions of payment information for during checkout.
Ajax loading of profiles for API calls only.
Struts action class used for requests to manage a customer's CIM profiles.
Struts form class for submissions to manage a customer's CIM profiles for requests to "/".
Integrates with the AvaTax service.
Extension of the Struts Action class that every action class in the system subclasses in turn.
Extends the BaseForm class to provide base functionality for form classes in the administrator.
Abstract superclass for all objects in the business layer.
Abstract superclass for all processing objects in the business layer.
Abstract superclass for all objects in the data access layer.
Extends the Struts DynaActionForm class to provide base functionality for form classes in the system.
Methods common to al of the application's servlet filters.
Extends the Struts ActionForm class to provide base functionality for form classes in the system.
Abstract class holding methods common to both indexing and searching with Lucene.
Extension of the Struts Action class with common methods used by order management actions in the Administrator.
Abstract class that provides methods useful for PaymentProcessor implementations.
Base class for all payment processors that use PayPal's name-value pair (NVP) API to process payments.
Subclass of TilesRequestProcessor that negotiates each application request.
Provides a number of properties common to forms representing the initial control panel screen for a database table in the administrator.
Abstract class that provides methods useful for ShippingProcessor implementations.
Abstract class that provides methods useful for TaxProcessor implementations.
Processes business logic having to do with administrators.
Processes business logic having to do with payments.
Processes business logic having to do with attributes.
Processes business logic having to do with discounts in a user's cart.
Processes business logic having to do with a user's cart.
Processes business logic having to do with categories.
Processes business logic having to do with category settings.
Processes business logic having to do with countries.
Processes business logic having to do with a customer's delivery address.
Processes business logic having to do with a customer's account and related objects.
Processes business logic having to do with a customer's wish lists.
Processes business logic having to do with discounts.
Processes business logic having to do with discount ranges.
Do all the necessary functions required to process an installation.
Base class with common methods handling the processing of text file imports and exports.
Business object class handling the processing of a text file import.
Processes business logic having to do with SKUs and inventory levels.
Class responsible for searching on the Lucene index for facets.
Class responsible for creating the Lucene index for advanced search functionality.
Class responsible for searching on the Lucene index for advanced search functionality.
Class responsible for creating the Lucene Suggestions index for advanced search functionality.
Class responsible for searching on the Lucene Suggestions Index to provide suggestions to help users search.
Processes business logic having to do with Manufacturers.
Processes business logic having to do with options.
Processes business logic having to do with order deliveries.
Processes business logic having to do with order discounts.
Processes business logic having to do with order item attributes.
Processes business logic having to do with order items.
Processes business logic affecting orders and other related objects.
Processes business logic having to do with order settings.
Processes business logic having to do with order shipping rules.
Default Struts form class for submissions of payment information during checkout.
Processes a payment in the store for a given user's cart.
Do all the necessary functions required to process an installation.
Processes business logic affecting products and other related objects.
Processes business logic having to do with Product Reviews.
Processes business logic having to do with product settings.
Processes business logic having to do with request logs.
Processes business logic having to do with roles.
Processes business logic having to do with shipping methods.
Loads shipping options and processes shipping charges in the store.
Processes business logic having to do with shipping rates.
Processes business logic having to do with shipping rules.
Processes business logic having to do with shipping rule ranges.
Processes business logic having to do with skus.
Processes business logic having to do with states.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for basic tax rates.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Processes taxes in the store for a given user's cart.
Interface representing a basic tax rate within the system.
Object representing a basic tax rate within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscBasicTaxRate table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscBasicTaxRate table of the database.
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to basic tax rates.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to basic tax rates.
Processes business logic having to do with basic tax rates.
Struts Action class that gets invoked when user exports basic tax rates.
JavaBean property population methods.
Struts form class representing a user's billing address.
A parent interface for all of the other interfaces in the business object layer.
Interface for the factory class used to create instances of business layer objects, BusinessObjectFactoryImpl.
Factory class used to create instances of business layer objects.
Interface for a utility object containing various methods used by BusinessProcessors in performing business logic.
A utility object containing various methods used by BusinessProcessors in performing business logic.
A parent interface for all of the other interfaces handling business processing.
The Struts action used to process requests to clean the system of old credit card information.
The form used to take in the parameters for a request to clean out credit card information using the "Card Info Clean Up" screen.
Struts action class corresponding to requests to present the "Card Info Clean Up" form.
Deletes card info from sscPayment.
Struts action class for submissions to add items to the current user's cart.
Struts form class for submissions to add items to the current user's cart.
Struts action class used for requests to clear the current cart.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with discounts in a user's cart.
Struts action class for submissions to all items in the current user's cart.
Struts form class for submissions to edit all items in the current user's cart.
Struts action class for submissions to edit an item in the current user's cart.
Struts form class for submissions to edit an item in the current user's cart.
Struts action class that corresponds to the cart item edit page.
Struts form class for requests for the cart item edit form for a given cart item.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with a user's cart.
Struts Action class that gets invoked when user exports categories.
Interface representing a category within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for categories.
Struts action class that corresponds to the category page.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a category within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscCategory table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscCategory table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class that correspondes to the category page.
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to categories.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to categories.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with categories.
Interface representing a category setting within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Object representing a category setting within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscCategorySetting table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscCategorySetting table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for business logic methods having to do with category settings.
Struts action class for sorting category records alphabetically.
Struts action class that corresponds to the store's checkout link.
Struts action class for submissions of the checkout addresses form.
Struts form class for submissions to record address information during checkout.
Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout addresses form.
Struts action class for submissions from the combo form during checkout.
Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout combo form.
Struts action class for submissions of the checkout addresses form.
Struts form class for submissions to record address information and a selected shipping option during checkout.
Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout addresses/shipping combo form.
Struts action class for submissions from the combo form during checkout.
Struts action class for submissions to continue checking out without logging in or registering for an account.
Struts action class for submissions to login during checkout.
Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout login form.
Struts action class for submissions of payment information during checkout.
Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout payment form.
Struts action class for submissions to register a new account during checkout.
Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout register form.
Struts action class for requests to "/".
Struts action class for submissions of the checkout shipping form.
Struts form class for submissions to record a selected shipping option during checkout.
Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout shipping form.
Interface for utility methods used by Struts Action classes related to the checkout process.
CheckoutUtilsImpl is the default implementation of the CheckoutUtils interface for the application.
Struts form class for users electing to send the store payment by check or money order.
Processes a check or money order payment for the store.
An example of a class which may be run from the command line to execute processing within the system.
A class which may be run from the command line to check for orders whose payments were processed (through DPM) but where the order itself was not processed and marked complete in the system.
A class which may be run from the command line to reindex the Lucene index.
A class which may be run from the command line to sort products or categories.
An abstract useful for subclassing by classes that need to be invoked from the command line.
Action class corresponding to the common text file exports (for attributes and categories).
Action to handle customer password reset
Initializes singleton objects in the application scope.
Interface representing a country within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for countries.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a country within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscCountry table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscCountry table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to countries.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to countries.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with countries.
Struts action class for submissions to record a coupon code entered by the user.
Interface representing a customer within the system.
Struts action class for requests to "/".
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for customers.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Interface representing a customer's delivery address within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for delivery addresses.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a customer's delivery address within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscCustomerAddress table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscCustomerAddress table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to customer addresses.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to delivery addresses.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with customer delivery addresses.
Object representing a customer within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscCustomer table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscCustomer table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Sends customers follow up emails a certain period of time after they complete an order.
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to customers.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to customers.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with customer accounts and related objects.
Subclass of BaseRequestProcessor that negotiates each application request for the customer interface.
Interface representing a customer's wish list within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for wish lists.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a customer's wish list within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscCustomerWishList table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscCustomerWishList table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to customer wish lists.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to wish lists.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with customer wish lists.
Interface representing an product under a wish list in the system.
Object representing a product under a wish list in the system.
A parent interface for all of the other interfaces in the data access layer.
Holds various utility methods for use by DAOs.
Exception class for exceptions thrown by DAOs.
Static methods supporting "YYYY-MM-DD" dates.
Save entered settings for database connectivity to properties files, reload the Hibernate SessionFactory, and optionally test the the database connection.
Interface representing a discount within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for skus.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a discount within the system.
Comparator class used to sort discounts, based on the discountOrder field.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscDiscount table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscDiscount table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to discounts.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to discounts.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with discounts.
Interface representing a discount range within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for options.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a discount range within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscDiscountRange table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscDiscountRange table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to discount ranges.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to discount ranges.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with discount ranges.
Struts form class for submissions to download a file the current customer has purchased.
This class is used to store 3rd party shipping quotes returned from web services.
Struts action class for submissions of address information.
Extension of the Tiles ElInsertTag, to allow for custom layouts.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for Emails.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscEmail table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscEmail table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to Emails.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to Emails.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for EmailOptOuts.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscEmailOptOut table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscEmailOptOut table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to EmailOptOuts.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to EmailOptOuts.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class used for requests to clear the current cart.
Struts form class representing the delivery information prompted for on the cart page to calculated estimated shipping.
Action form class corresponding to the common text file export forms (for options, attributes, and categories).
Action class corresponding to the text file export field selection screens.
Action class used to pull out facet counts to update the search filter.
Form class corresponding to FacetCountsAction.
Connects to the FedEx server for live online rates.
Struts form class for submissions of payment information for the First Data Global Gateway during checkout.
Processes a payment in the store for a given user's cart.
The Struts action class responsible for sending emails with information captured from the contact form and other form-to-email forms.
Struts form class for submissions to the contact form and other form-to-email forms.
Interface for utility methods used by Struts Form classes.
FormUtilsImpl is the default implementation of the FormUtils interface for the application.
Form responsible for processing the Froogle (ie.
Action class corresponding to /
Struts action class that corresponds to the processing of the Froogle export.
Struts action class that corresponds to the processing of the Froogle export.
Form responsible for processing the Google Sitemaps export.
Action class corresponding to /
Struts action class that corresponds to the processing of the Google Sitemaps export.
Factory class used to create and initialize instances of Hibernate data access objects.
A servlet filter that manages a single Hibernate Session for each request, per the ThreadLocal model.
Action form class corresponding to the form where an import is described.
Action class corresponding to /, which processes a text file import.
Action class corresponding to /, which handles the uploading of an import file, and displaying the import preview.
Action class corresponding to /
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Deletes older, incomplete orders (abandoned carts) from the system
Processes various requests from the installer tool to initialize the application.
InstallerRequestProcessor subclasses the BaseRequestProcessor to check for whether or not the installer is locked.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with SKUs and inventory.
Struts action class that corresponds to the administrator screen for displaying invoices.
Defines the API call required by PayPal Direct, for the US SOAP-based API.
Defines the three API calls required by PayPal Express Checkout, for both the US and the UK.
API for Paypoint callback processing
The Tiles contoller action that is used by the default "baseLayout", "baseLeftLayout", and "baseCenterLayout" Tiles definitions.
Loads an address book for the current users.
Loads every coupon.
Loads a product from its ID.
Loads every product's code, name and ID.
Struts action class used for requests to log into a customer account.
Struts form class for submissions to log into a customer account.
Struts action class that prepares the login screen.
Struts action class used for requests to log out of a customer account.
Struts action class used for requests to email a lost password to a customer.
Struts form class for submissions for the system to email a lost password to a customer.
Struts action class used for requests for the last password form.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for classes that search on the Lucene index for facets.
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/" and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Interface for classes that create the Lucene index for advanced search functionality.
Interface for classes that search on the Lucene index for advanced search functionality.
Interface for classes that creates the Lucene index for Suggestions (auto-completion).
Interface for classes that search on the Lucene Suggestions Index for suggestions to help users search.
Interface representing a manufacturer within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for manufacturers.
Struts action class that corresponds to the manufacturer page.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a manufacturer within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscManufacturer table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscManufacturer table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class that correspondes to the manufacturer page.
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to manufacturers.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to manufacturers.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with manufacturers.
Will check other Quartz jobs and log an error if there are long running or problem jobs.
Struts Action class responsible for producing the Monthly Sales report.
Struts ActionForm class responsible for the Monthly Sales report form.
Struts Action class responsible for producing the Monthly Sales report form.
Interface representing a option within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for options.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a option within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscOption table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscOption table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to options.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to options.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with options.
Struts Action class that gets invoked when user exports options.
Interface representing an order within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for orders.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing an order within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscOrder table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscOrder table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface representing an order delivery within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for order deliveries.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing an order delivery within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscOrderDelivery table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscOrderDelivery table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to order deliveries.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to order deliveries.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with order deliveries.
Struts action class used for requests to view the detail of an order in a customer's order history.
Struts form class for submissions to view the detail of an order in a customer's order history.
Interface representing an order discount within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for order discounts.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a order discount within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscOrderDiscount table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscOrderDiscount table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to order discounts.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to order discounts.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with order discounts.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to orders.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to orders.
Initializes singleton objects related to orders in the application scope.
Interface representing an order item within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for order items.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Interface representing a order item attribute within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for order item attributes.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a order item attribute within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscOrderItemAttribute table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscOrderItemAttribute table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to order item attributes.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to order item attributes.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with order item attributes.
Object representing an order item within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscOrderItem table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscOrderItem table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to order items.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to order items.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with order items.
Interface for utility methods used by Struts Action classes implement Ajax functionality.
OrderManagementUtilsImpl is the default implementation of the OrderManagementUtils interface for the application.
Interface representing an order number within the system.
Object representing an order number within the system.
Interface for business logic methods affecting orders and other related objects.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface representing an order setting within the system.
Object representing an order setting within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscOrderSetting table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscOrderSetting table of the database.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with order settings.
Struts Action class that gets invoked when user exports orders.
Helper bean used for order exports.
Action form class corresponding to the order text file export form.
Sends customers emails if their order is in a specific shipped status as defined in settings and last modified is within the previous 24 hours and the tracking number is filled in.
Interface representing an order shipping rule within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for order shipping rules.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a order shipping rule within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscOrderShippingRule table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscOrderShippingRule table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to order shipping rules.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to order shipping rules.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with order shipping rules.
Struts form class for submissions of payment information for PayPal Payflow Link during checkout.
Processes a payment in the store for a given user's cart.
Struts form class for submissions of bank account information for PayPal Payflow Pro's ACH processing during checkout.
Processes a payment in the store for a given user's cart.
Struts form class for submissions of payment information for PayPal Payflow Pro during checkout.
Processes a payment in the store for a given user's cart.
Interface representing a payment within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for payments.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a payment within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscPayment table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscPayment table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to basic payment rates.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to payments.
Interface for objects that are able to process payments in the store.
Struts form class for submissions of payment information for PayPal Direct during checkout.
Processes a payment in the store for a given user's cart through PayPal Direct.
Struts form class for submissions of payment information for PayPal Express Checkout during checkout.
Processes a payment in the store for a given user's cart through PayPal Express Checkout.
Action class to handle the redirected request from PayPal following a PayPal Express Checkout session in which the user's address and payment information are defined directly with PayPal.
Action class to handle a request from the user to use PayPal Express to checkout.
Struts form class for submissions of payment information for PayPal Express Checkout during checkout.
Processes a payment in the store for a given user's cart through PayPal UK Express Checkout.
Action class to handle Paypoint callbacks.
The form that handles the callback from Paypoint.
Jason McWilliams
Struts form class for users electing to send the store payment by Paypoint.
Jason McWilliams
Struts action class used for requests to download a file.
Struts action class for submissions of payment information from an order screen in the admin area.
Interface representing a product within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for products.
Struts action class that corresponds to the product page.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface representing an attribute under a product in the system.
Object representing an attribute under a product in the system.
Object representing a product within the system.
Interface representing a product within a category in the system.
Object representing a product within a category in the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscProduct table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscProduct table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Action form class corresponding to the product text file export form.
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class that correspondes to the product page.
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to products and categories.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to products and categories.
Initializes singleton objects related to products, in the application scope.
Interface representing a list of products in the the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the product list page.
Object representing a list of products in the system.
Struts form class that correspondes to the product list page.
Interface for business logic methods affecting products and other related objects.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
This action processes the review submitted by the user.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
This class is used to represent a single product review record in the system.
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a product review within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscProductReview table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscProductReview table of the database.
Deletes a Fraud Person from the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
The productReview Power Edit Form
This class is used for the presentation/struts side of the product review form submission.
Class to load Product Review Form for Review Submission
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to product reviews
Interface for business logic methods affecting products and other related objects.
Interface representing a product setting within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the API endpoint for listing ProductSettings.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Upload an Attachment for the product - a file that is available for download by everyone on the product page, like instruction manuals.
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Upload an Attachment for a product - a file that is available for download by everyone on the product page, like instruction manuals.
Add additional product images.
Adds a setting to the system, but also uploads an image and resizes it for display.
Object representing a product setting within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscProductSetting table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscProductSetting table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to productSettings.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to productSettings.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with product settings.
Struts Action class that gets invoked when user exports products.
Struts action class for sorting product records alphabetically.
The Struts action used to process requests to clean the system of old credit card information.
The form used to take in the parameters for a request to prune the request log using the "Prune Request Log" screen.
Struts action class corresponding to requests to present the "Card Info Clean Up" form.
Struts form class for users electing to send the store payment by purchase order.
Processes a purchase order payment for the store.
Struts action class used for requests to register a new customer account.
Struts form class for submissions to register a new customer account.
Struts action class used for requests for the registration form.
Reindexes Lucene and the Lucene Suggestions Index
Interface representing a related product in the system.
Object representing a related product in the system.
Struts action class used for requests to reorder a previously placed order by a customer and make it the active cart for the session.
Interface representing a single application request log entry stored in the sscRequestLog database table.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for request logs.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Represents a single entry in the request log, ie, a single request made by a user to the application.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscRequestLog table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscRequestLog table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to the request log.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to the request log.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with request logs.
Action to handle customer password reset
Record the sscRequestLog.requestLogID with each Envers revision.
Interface representing a role within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for roles.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a role within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscRole table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscRole table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to roles.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to roles.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with roles.
Struts Action class responsible for producing the Sales By Product report.
Struts ActionForm class responsible for the Sales By Product report form.
Struts Action class responsible for producing the Sales By Product report form.
Struts action class used for requests to save a cart by a customer.
Struts action class used for requests to pick up a saved cart by a customer and make it the active cart for the session.
Struts form class for submissions to pick up a saved cart by a customer and make it the active cart for the session.
Struts action class used for requests to remove a saved cart by a customer.
Struts action class that corresponds to the search results page.
Struts form class that correspondes to the search results page.
Interface representing a list of searchable objects in the the system.
Object representing a list of products in the system.
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/" and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Filter to translate incoming URLs from a search-engine friendly format to the format understood by the application.
A servlet filter that locks the user's browser session so no other actions with a session lock can take place until the first request finishes.
Interface representing a single application setting stored in the sscSetting database table.
Represents a single setting used by the application.
Interface representing application settings stored in the database.
Reloads the builtin categories if the builtin category settings have changed.
Represents various settings used by the application.
Interface for a DAO for setting and retrieving settings from the database.
Generic DAO for setting and retrieving settings from the database.
Generic settings form that does nothing but initialize itself.
Processes the settings submitted from the PayPal UK settings screen.
Interface representing a shipping method within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for shipping methods.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a shipping method within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscShippingMethod table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscShippingMethod table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to shipping methods.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to shipping methods.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with shipping methods.
Comparator class used to sort shipping options based on their price, from lowest to highest.
Java bean to encapsulate returned HashMap of shipping options and their rates.
Interface for objects that are able to process shipping charges in the store.
Interface representing a shipping rate within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for shipping rates.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a shipping rate within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscShippingRate table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscShippingRate table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to shipping rates.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to shipping rates.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with shipping rates.
Interface representing a shipping rule within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for skus.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a discount within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscShippingRule table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscShippingRule table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to shipping rules.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to shipping rules.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with shipping rules.
Interface representing a shipping rule range within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for options.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a discount range within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscShippingRuleRange table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscShippingRuleRange table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to shipping rule ranges.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to shipping rule ranges.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with shipping rule ranges.
Interface representing a sku within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for skus.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Object representing a sku within the system.
Struts action class for builing sku records with the SKU builder.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscSKU table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscSKU table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface representing a sku discount in the system.
Object representing a sku discount in the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to skus.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to skus.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with skus.
Struts Action class that gets invoked when user exports skus.
Interface representing a sku shipping rule in the system.
Object representing a sku shipping rule in the system.
Interface representing a state within the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for states.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Object representing a state within the system.
Interface for a DAO to manage the sscState table of the database.
Generic DAO to manage the sscState table of the database.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Interface for a DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to states.
Generic DAO that runs miscellaneous queries related to states.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with states.
Interface containing representations of the states and countries active in the store.
Object holding representations of the states and countries active in the store.
Form to handle requests to view and change the store messages in the Administrator.
Save entered settings for database connectivity to a properties file, reload the settings into the sqlManager, and optionally test the the database connection.
Runs a search against the Suggestions Index to provide suggestions for users who are searching.
Form class corresponding to SuggestionsAction, an action that searches for suggestions in the Suggestions index matching the user input, to help users search.
Action class to handle a request from the user to switch the language that navigational elements, buttons, and labels are displayed with.
Interface for objects that are able to process tax charges in the store.
Interface for business logic methods having to do with basic tax rates.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for Templates.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class used for requests to update the address information for a customer account.
Struts action class used for requests to update only the billing address information for a customer account.
Struts action class used for requests to update a customer's password and user name.
Struts form class for submissions to update a customer's password.
Processes an upgrade for the application from one version to another.
Connects to the UPS online server for live shipping rates.
Interface representing an end user accessing the system.
Represents an end user accessing the system.
Struts action class that corresponds to the main administrator view panel for countries.
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/", "/administrator/", "/administrator/", and "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to /administrator/
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class that corresponds to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts action class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Struts form class corresponding to requests to "/administrator/".
Connects to the USPS server for live online rates.
Struts action class that corresponds to the welcome page.
Struts action class that corresponds to the wish list page.
Struts action class used for requests to edit and add wish lists
Struts form class for submissions to add or edit a wish list.
Struts action class used for requests to add wish lists
Struts action class used for requests to add a product to a wish list.
Struts action class used for requests to delete a wish list from a customer account.
Struts action class used for requests to delete a wish list product from a customer wish list.
Struts action class used for requests to edit wish lists.
Struts action class used for requests to edit wish lists.