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Version 2.0.10

Interface Changes. 

Several interface changes were made to support the new saved cart and reordering features. If you have created your own custom Java classes please take note of the following interface changes. If you have created an implementation of any of these interfaces, please update your implementations as you upgrade your application to 2.0.10.

  1. Implementations of com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.customer.CustomerProcessor must now implement Collection loadSavedCarts()
  2. Implementations of com.softslate.commerce.daos.customer.CustomerDAO must now implement Collection loadSavedCarts()
  3. Implementations of com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.order.CustomerProcessor must now implement Order loadSavedCart()
  4. Implementations of com.softslate.commerce.daos.order.OrderDAO must now implement Order loadSavedCart()
  5. Implementations of com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.order.CustomerProcessor must now implement Map saveCart(Map)
  6. Implementations of com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.order.OrderProcessor must now implement Order duplicateOrder(Order)
  7. Implementations of com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.order.OrderProcessor must now implement Order reprocessOrder(Order)
  8. Implementations of com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.order.CustomerProcessor must now implement Order loadPreviousOrder()
  9. Implementations of com.softslate.commerce.daos.order.OrderDAO must now implement Order loadPreviousOrder()

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